Wills and Bequests
Make Your Legacy A Never-Ending Story
A bequest is written in a will or trust and directs a gift to be made to a qualified, tax-exempt charity — like ExperienceChurch.tv — when you pass away.
Whether it’s a gift of cash, real estate, or the residual of your estate, a bequest allows ExperienceChurch.tv to use your assets to continue helping people win in Christ while also benefitting your family and loved ones.
Whether it’s a gift of cash, real estate, or the residual of your estate, a bequest allows ExperienceChurch.tv to use your assets to continue helping people win in Christ while also benefitting your family and loved ones.
- Receive an estate tax charitable deduction
- Reduce the burden of taxes on your family
- Allows you to retain assets during life
- Flexible and can be modified at any time
- Be part of fulfilling the Great Commission with ExperienceChurch.tv and reaching nations for Christ!
How It Works
You can make a bequest to ExperienceChurch.tv in several ways …
Of course, in order to make your bequest, you should speak with your estate planning attorney. They can help you include language in your will or trust that specifies a bequest be made to ExperienceChurch.tv as well as to loved ones.
The sample language below may be of help to you and your attorney in deciding what type of gift to create.
Sample Bequest Language
- Include a bequest to ExperienceChurch.tv in your will or revocable trust
- Designate ExperienceChurch.tv as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account
- Name ExperienceChurch.tv as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy
Of course, in order to make your bequest, you should speak with your estate planning attorney. They can help you include language in your will or trust that specifies a bequest be made to ExperienceChurch.tv as well as to loved ones.
The sample language below may be of help to you and your attorney in deciding what type of gift to create.
Sample Bequest Language
I give to ExperienceChurch.tv, Inc., a non-profit corporation (tax identification #33-0686464, located at 10012 122nd Street East, Puyallup, WA 98375: ________ percent (%) of my residuary estate. - FIXED DOLLAR AMOUNT:
I give to ExperienceChurch.tv, Inc., a non-profit corporation (tax identification #33-0686464), located at 10012 122nd Street East, Puyallup, WA 98375: the sum of ($). - CONTINGENT GIFT:
If any of the above named beneficiaries should predecease me, or in the case of failure or lapse of any legacy, I give his/her share to ExperienceChurch.tv, Inc., a non-profit corporation located at 10012 122nd Street East, Puyallup, WA 98375. - GIFT OF PROPERTY:
I give to ExperienceChurch.tv, Inc., a non-profit corporation (tax identification #33-0686464), located at 10012 122nd Street East, Puyallup, WA 98375: the following described property {describe property such as: My house located at (provide address) and legally described as (provide legal description) or my land (provide description)}.