The Evidence of Humility | The Evidence | Pastor Dennis Cummins |
Jun 2, 2024 • Dennis Cummins
In our series "The Evidence," Pastor Dennis talks about the Fruit of the Spirit, "Gentleness." Gentleness isn't just about being mild-mannered or delicate; it's about humility—humbling oneself for others and voluntarily giving up your rights and privileges. Doing small things doesn’t make you small; it shows self-awareness and modesty. Genuine humility reflects God's presence, while its absence indicates dominance by the flesh. An evil person can fake humility, but a good person can't fake pride. Pride is idolatry, unsustainable, and puts you against God. It distorts reality and leads to reckless decisions. Humility, on the other hand, opens doors, costs our ego, but brings lasting significance.